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Caroline Coleman Bailey

Third generation family member & Co-chair
Gallo Family Council
Caroline Coleman Bailey is a third-generation member of the Gallo family. Following an eighteen-year career in her family business, she pursued her own entrepreneurial spirit. Through this transition she identified her value within the family as a catalyst, launching the Gallo Family Council in 2006, as the founding chair and continues as co-chair today. Combining her professional and personal expertise, with her passion for bridging the gap between business and family, she founded Premier Growth, The Business of Family® in 2010. Premier Growth provides modern day solutions for individuals, families, and professionals. She is author of the recent book, Rooted In Family: Honoring The Past While Creating The Future.


Working Groups: How to Avoid or Conquer Conflict Speaker

“Triangulation” — using a third party to relay a message instead of discussing an issue directly with the relevant person — is a common problem in family communication. Female relatives often are pulled into the middle of disputes. This session offers tips on how to promote conflict resolution without getting pulled into the role of mediator.